Laser Treatments
Laser Treatments: Tattoo Removal and More
The medical laser is an advanced technology that has revolutionized the aesthetic medicine and dermatology industry. It offers a wide range of applications, from tattoo removal to the treatment of various dermatological conditions. In this guide, we will explore the different types of medical lasers and their uses, what you can expect as a result of these treatments, approximate prices and possible complications.
Types of Medical Lasers and their Uses
Medical lasers are versatile tools used to treat a variety of skin conditions and perform cosmetic procedures. Here is a table summarizing some of the most common types of medical lasers and their applications:
Laser Type | Main Uses | Laser Type | Main Uses | Laser Type | Laser Type | Main Uses | Laser Type | Laser Type | Main Uses | Laser Type
| Q-Switched Laser | Removal of tattoos and pigmented lesions |
Picosecond Laser | Tattoo removal, skin rejuvenation | Tattoo removal, skin rejuvenation | Skin rejuvenation | Tattoo removal, skin rejuvenation | Tattoo removal, skin rejuvenation | Skin rejuvenation | Skin rejuvenation
| Fractional CO2 laser | Facial rejuvenation, scar removal |
| Diode Laser | Permanent hair removal, vascular treatment |
| Erbium YAG laser | Facial rejuvenation, wrinkle removal |
These are just a few examples of the many types of medical lasers available, each designed to address specific needs.
What to Expect as a Result
The response to medical laser treatment varies depending on the type of laser and the condition being treated. However, in general, you can expect significant improvements in the appearance of your skin. For example, in the case of tattoo removal, the laser breaks up the ink particles, which over time allows the body to remove them naturally. In facial rejuvenation, the laser stimulates collagen production, leading to firmer and younger looking skin.
Price of Laser Treatments
The cost of laser treatments varies depending on several factors, including the type of laser, the size of the area to be treated and the location of the clinic. In general, tattoo removal treatments can range from €100 to €500 per session, while facial rejuvenation procedures can have a similar price range. It is important to consult a professional for an accurate estimate.
Possible Complications
While medical laser treatments are mostly safe and effective, it is essential to understand the potential complications. These may include temporary redness, swelling, changes in skin pigmentation and, in rare cases, scarring or infection. However, most people experience a smooth recovery and positive results.
Prevention of Possible Complications in Laser Treatments
Preventing complications in laser treatments is essential to ensure safe and effective results. Here are some guidelines and tips to minimize the risks associated with these procedures:
- Consultation with a Qualified Professional: The first and most important recommendation is to seek out a healthcare professional or dermatologist with experience in laser treatments. Make sure they are certified and have a track record of success in similar procedures.
- Evaluate your Eligibility: Not all skin types and conditions are suitable for laser treatments. It is important that the professional evaluates your skin and informs you about the suitability of the procedure in your case.
- Follow the Preoperative Instructions: If you are given specific instructions prior to treatment, such as avoiding sun exposure or discontinuing the use of certain skin care products, be sure to follow them strictly. This will help prepare your skin properly.
- Sun protection: After treatment, protect your skin from direct sun exposure for the time recommended by the professional. The sun can increase the risk of complications such as hyperpigmentation.
- Avoid self-treatment: Do not attempt to perform laser treatments at home with non-professional devices. The results can be unpredictable and increase the risk of injury.
- Open Communication: Inform your practitioner of any medical conditions, allergies or medications you are taking. This will help tailor the treatment to your specific needs and prevent adverse reactions.
- Postoperative follow-up: Follow all postoperative instructions provided by your practitioner. This may include the use of topical creams, keeping the skin clean and avoiding certain physical activities during a specific period.
- Complications Awareness: Familiarize yourself with the possible complications and side effects associated with laser treatment. This will help you recognize any problems early and seek medical attention if necessary.
- Communication with your Professional: If you experience any unexpected or worrisome side effects after treatment, contact your practitioner immediately. Do not ignore any symptoms, even if they seem mild.
- Schedule Additional Sessions as Recommended: If multiple treatment sessions are suggested, be sure to follow the recommended schedule. Skipping sessions or stopping treatment prematurely can affect results.
Preventing complications in laser treatments is a crucial part of the process. By choosing an experienced practitioner, following pre- and post-operative recommendations, and watching for any signs of problems, you can help ensure a successful and safe procedure. Always seek the guidance of a trusted professional for your specific laser treatment needs.
Medical laser treatments offer a wide range of solutions for skin problems and cosmetic procedures. If you are considering laser treatment, we recommend that you speak with a professional at a specialized clinic. They will be happy to evaluate your needs and provide you with detailed information about the process, costs and expected results.
Remember that tattoo removal is just one of the many applications of medical laser treatments. Whether you are looking to rejuvenate your skin, remove a pigmented lesion or address any other dermatological concern, laser technology can be your ally on the road to healthier, more beautiful skin.
Laser types
The following are some of the wave frequencies we use to treat the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and hands that allow us to rejuvenate and enhance the quality of the skin.
- Láser ND-Yag Fraccionado
- Láser ND-Yag de pulso largo
- Láser ND yag de pulso corto
- Láser KTP
- Láser KTP fraccionado
- Láser ERB-Yag
- Láser ERB-glass
- CO2 Laser
- Fractional CO2 Laser
- Surgical CO2 laser
Estos láseres abarcan un amplio espectro para el tratamiento de la piel en todas sus capas. They include both ablative and non-ablative lasers.
Different wavelengths of lasers have varying skin penetration. The combination of different types of lasers allows the treatment of all layers of the skin and thus of the different types of lesions according to their depth.
- Skin rejuvenation. Wrinkles of the skin, fine lines of the skin damaged by the sun or aging skin of different areas: such as eyelids, face, hands and décolleté.
- Laser CO2 + PRP (click to view)
- Skin blemish removal
- Tensado de la piel: facial, cuello, manos. Treatment of skin flaccidity
- Correction of dark circles under the eyes
- Wrinkle attenuation and removal: crow’s feet, bar code, décolleté, etc.
- Tattoo removal
- Skin revitalization
- Eliminate skin pores
- Scar and keloid attenuation
- Remove skin lesions such as moles, keratosis, fibroids .
- Lesiones vasculares
- Acne: active and sequelae. El acné puede ser tratado en sus diferentes fases tanto en las activas como en las secuelas.
- Onychomycosis, papillomas and warts
- Medical hair removal
- Rhinophyma
When to do the treatment
Because laser-treated skin is hypersensitive to sun exposure for up to a year after some procedures, it is recommended to undergo laser treatment during the fall or winter months when daylight hours are shorter and most of the time is spent indoors. Naturalmente si usted pasa el verano en interiores podría ser candidato al láser, siempre aplicando una factor de protección 50SPF durante el día.
Independientemente de la época del año en que se realice el procedimiento con láser, use un protector solar de amplio espectro SPF 50 todos los días de manera regular.
It is advisable to tell your doctor if you have suffered from cold sores or if you are taking any medication, particularly anticoagulants or vitamin A derivatives such as Roacutan. We will provide you with instructions on how to prepare your skin prior to treatment. This reduces the risk of laser complications.
It depends on the laser, the depth and area of treatment, and the individual’s tolerance to pain.
- Deeper ablative laser treatments (where some outer layers of skin are removed) tend to be the most uncomfortable, although they tend to be well tolerated with the application of our high potency anesthetic cream. We also accompany the treatments with cold air which allows for safer and painless laser treatments.
- Los tratamientos con láser no ablativo (en los que el láser atraviesa la piel sin quitar las capas) causan poco o ningún dolor. Después del procedimiento, se puede esperar cierto grado de sensibilidad en el área de tratamiento.
Si tiene la piel oscura debe ser valorado por el doctor previo a su tratamiento, las pieles más oscuras tienen más riesgo de sufrir despigmentaciones.
Ablative lasers require a recovery period that usually ranges from five to seven days.
Los láseres no ablativos permiten una recuperación más rápida de la piel.
Recovery time therefore depends on the type of laser, the dose administered and your skin type. We usually regulate the recovery period according to the needs of each patient, ranging from one day to one week for the most intense treatments.
Dr. García Ceballos will recommend a series of measures to be taken after your laser treatment. Éstas variarán dependiendo del tipo de luz o luces utilizadas.
For all of them it is common to apply a sun protection factor 50 SPF that will prevent your skin from hyperpigmentation.
Laser treatments in the summer season must be selected both in their dosage and in the type of light applied and type of patient.
Here are some related videos that may be useful for the patient.
Laser post-surgical scars
Laser facial rejuvenation
You can watch more videos on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdSjrBOnYMpiVDkbd3op1kA
They depend on the type of problems to be treated.
- Thus, for a spot cleansing or a wrinkle treatment, we establish three sessions that allow us to treat the skin safely and effectively.
- Although a minimum number of sessions is established, it is important to evaluate the response of each individual 3 months after the end of the last session.
- We usually prefer to postpone the next sessions until after one year, during which time the skin will continue to improve.
Hybrid Treatments
We have a platform with 7 types of lasers. This allows us to establish the most effective treatments as we can treat all layers of the skin.

The effects of the laser on the tissues are immediate, although the positive stimulus on the skin lasts for several months. After completing the treatment, it is not necessary to repeat the treatment for one year.
Photo: dr Jonathan R Subekti, SpKK, BMedSc
Treatments are performed locally and on an outpatient basis.
The price of each treatment is given after the consultation with Dr. García Ceballos and depends on the characteristics and specific needs of each patient.
During the consultation you will be able to see before and after photos of cases similar to yours.
If you are travelling or consulting us from anywhere in Spain, the UK or Europe you can request your consultation online via Skype.
It is advisable to seek the advice of a specialist in reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery for this type of treatment.
Our greatest asset is our customers
A complete change in my life! Implant removal, mastopexy and laser on scars. I am delighted.
I have felt accompanied at all times, with good advice, with a lot of patience!
Highly recommended. I can’t thank the doctor enough for a job well done!
— Juliana B. —
A professional lover of his work and the perfection of his works.
Close and friendly service.
I would certainly make any necessary tweaks or changes with it again.
— Freya B. —
Aprovecho este momento de refugio para contar mi experiencia con el peeling mediante láser.
Este es el segundo año que repito el tratamiento, osea que os lo puedo recomendar, ya que a pesar de que es un tratamiento que requiere un poco de paciencia, el resultado es muy agradecido. Yo repito el tratamiento siempre después de verano, para mejorar la piel tras el desgaste con el sol durante estos meses, eliminar manchas y limpieza total de la piel. Es el tratamiento más efectivo que he probado. Os animo a probarlo.
— Lorena P. —
Encantada de haber elegido al doctor garcia ceballos y su equipo.
El trato maravilloso y los resultados inmejorables.
El mejor lo recomiendo 100%
— Yolanda A. —
Typically 2 to 5 sessions. En algunos casos pueden ser menos y en otros más.
Between 3 to 4 weeks depending on the intensity of the treatment.
Yes. The final result is seen weeks after the last session.
Yes, they are not only compatible but also enhance each other.
One treatment is enough, although if you wish and your skin allows it, two treatments can be done.
It depends on the type of laser:
- With fractionated Erbium Glass you will notice some reddening of the skin and sometimes a very slight peeling, which can last from 3 to 5 days. Puede aplicar maquillaje entre tanto para cubrir el enrojecimiento.
- With Erbium-Yag you will perceive a major peeling, like a peeling, which can last between 7 and 10 days. You should apply a lotion prescribed by Dr. García Ceballos and Vaseline during these days.
Arrugas de la piel, las líneas finas de la piel dañadas por el sol o el envejecimiento de la piel de diferentes áreas: tales como los párpados, el rostro, las manos y el escote.
The CO2 laser allows to deepen the most aggressive skin lesions, such as acne sequelae or deep wrinkles, such as those that may appear on crow’s feet or in the perioral region. In addition, the CO2 laser allows the skin to retract and thus provides the tightening of the treated areas.